jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Ancient China

Chinas history goes back over to 5,000 years from now. China was best known because of their great enrichment in philosophy and arts. Over time, China made many products still used today like silk, paper, gunpowder and movable-typewriting printing, this things were a great attribute to life because it made it easier. China had many fights and was usually conquering its neighbors and conquered back. Chinese rulers were called Emperors and their government was based on the Confucian Model, this one consisted of a virtuous man who led by example. Chinese ancient economy was based on the trading of products with other cultures and the use of the metal coin. Silk was the product that was traded the most. Chinese also fished, farmed and irrigated the land to maintain their plant life. Their written language was represented by characters and symbols.
Religion played a very significant role in early China. They believed in Ti, he had the power to punish people who did wrong and rewarded good ones. Priests were given the role of intermediaries, since they wanted to create a link between God and the human beings on earth. Religion underwent a huge chance with the appearance of the Eastern Chou Dynasty. They started practicing the religious philosophy of Taoism, worshipping Tao.

"People's Republic of China | Facts and History." About.com Asian History. About. Web. 29 Aug. 2013. <http://asianhistory.about.com/od/china/p/ChinaProfile.htm>.  People's Republic of China | Facts and Historyasianhistory.about.com
"Ancient China." Ancient China. Fcps. Web. 29 Aug. 2013. <http://www.fcps.edu/KingsParkES/technology/ancient/china.htm>.Ancient China www.fcps.edu
"Ancient China Religion." Globerove. Globe Rove. Web. 29 Aug. 2013. <http://globerove.com/china/ancient-china-religion/2377>.Ancient China Religion | Globerove globerove.com

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