The Xuan Yuan Sword

The Sword known as the sword of divinity.

Is supposed that the first appearing of swords in ancient China was during the time (2497 BC - 2398 BC)

The swords have a configuration of yin and yang, ¨swords could not only be used in wars against human enemies, but in battles against demons and evil spirits.¨ (Primal Treck)

The sword of Xuan Yuan was made from cooper of the Shoushan Mountain. On one side of the sword was a drawing of the sun, also the moon was drawn and the stars also make part of this sword. Mountains were also drawn in this sword, rivers and trees all this represent part of China culture. On the other side of the handle there were shown a representation of how the farming was done in that time and also in the sword is how policies came together. They make this sword to the Yellow Emperor, and the people called this sword, the sword of divinity. 

"Swords and Amulets." Swords and Amulets. Primal Trek. Web. 29 Aug. 2013. <>.
"Subscribe to Free Email Newsletter." Ten Famous Swords in China's Ancient Times. Chinease Culture. Web. 29 Aug. 2013. <>.

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