Yin and Yang

This symbol represents the positive and negative energy. Yin represents the feminine or negative nature of things. Yang represents the masculine or positive side. This representation emerged between the dynasties of Yin Dynasty 1400 - 1100 BC and the Western Zhou Dynasty 1100 - 771 BC. Both sides rely on each other and also they can’t exist without each other. Yin and Yang usually interchange energies so they are usually never alone, with this we mean that yin can have certain part of yang and vice versa. Chinese believe that this Ying Yang balance exists in every single thing in life.


"Yin and Yang." About.com Chinese Culture. About. Web. 29 Aug. 2013. <http://chineseculture.about.com/cs/religion/a/aayinyang.htm>.
Yin and Yang

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