The More important colors

Colors that the ancient civilization of china loved the most.

The black color:
Represents the king of all the colors. The legend tells that the black color was considered the sky of Yin-Yang a sky full of mystery. This is the colored that last more loved by the Civilization of China. This color represents the Yin-Yang .

The white color:
The white corresponds to gold, people thought white represents splendor, and they consider as a nature color and represents the pure and brilliant.

The red color:
Represents fortune and joy for people on China, since the beginning of the civilization.

The yellow color:
Is the more prestige color since in antique civilizations of china, the yellow color only can be used by kings, because the yellow represents them agriculture and in that time was very important. Is the center of all the colors.

The blue color:
Represents the vitality, strength, vigor and also represents the spring.

"El Significado De Los Colores En La Cultura China | :BLOG APRENDECHINOHOY:."BLOG APRENDECHINOHOY RSS. Aprende Chino. Web. 02 Sept. 2013. <>.
"Los Colores Y Los Cinco Elementos En La Antigua Cultura China." Noticias De China Y El Mundo En Español. La Gran Epoca. Web. 02 Sept. 2013. <>.

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