The 3 important dynasties

 The 3 more important Ancient China dynasties

A dynasty is family or group of members that obtains power for many generations.

Xia Dynasty 

      It is the first dynasty in Chinese history, and lasted nearly 500 years including the reigns of 17 emperors. Yu the Great started this dynasty. It is known as a legend but its history is undetermined.  A calendar system was made which used lunar and solar movements.

Shang Dynasty 

     This dynasty lasted over 600 years and was led by 30 different emperors. Agriculture was very important to Shang rulers. Fishing began to grow. Archaeologists also discovered musical instruments like Xun (Ocarina made of baked clay), drums, and copper cymbals.

Zhou Dynasty

     The Zhou dynasty came from the Zhou clan. This dynasty was the longer in history. It lasted for over 800 years and included the reigns of 37 emperors. The Zhou clan constantly threatened the Shang dynasty and the conflict between the two Dynasties got worse.

Belonged to Shang Dynasty
Belonged to Xia Dynasty
Belonged to Zhou Dynasty


"China History: Chronology, Dynasty Qin Han Tang Song Yuan Ming Qing." China History: Chronology, Dynasty Qin Han Tang Song Yuan Ming Qing. Travel China Guide, Web. 29 Aug. 2013.

“The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language. "Dynasty." The Free Dictionary. Houghton Mifflin Company., 2009. Web. 29 Aug. 2013.

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